THE PROCESS: I doubled over and tightly tied off two small white sections, then put one side of the skein in the brown dye (in a mason jar) and one side in the pink jar...leaving the little white sections sticking above the mason jars. Then the whole she-bang went in a pot filled with water and put on the stove on med-high until the water was clear in both mason jars

And YES, I got these colors with kool-aid! I'm constantly amazed at the color combinations you can get from those little drink mixes. The chocolate proportion is 10 pkts Lemon Lime to 1 pkt Cherry. It took 55 pkts of LL to dye all the brown sections plus 5 oz trim! The pink proportion is 5 pkt Pink Lemonade to 1 pkt Lemonade with a tiny amount of Grape. It took about 20 pkts of PL to dye about 7 oz of variegated yarn. Not sure it's cost effective, but who can beat the fact that I can mix, heat and dump the kool-aid dye with my twins running under foot with absolutely no worries (not to mention just having to rinse out my spaghetti pot when I'm done!).
This yarn is destined to become a tunic-style top based on this pattern for my darling 3yo. She loves ice cream and I hope she'll love this top!